100 posts!

(Actually this makes 101, I just realized)

It kind of makes me sad to go back and look through my journey since I started this blog. I just started blogging in April 2010 – and I have been through a few IUIs, 2 early losses, and a failed IVF cycle (not to mention everything prior to that). It’s been a crazy emotional roller coaster.

I’m not sure what I was hoping to achieve with a blog. Was I was doing it for myself, trying to help other people, tell people they are not alone, or maybe trying to educate some people on infertility or treatments? I guess a little from all those categories. It has definitely been very therapeutic for me. I’m not sure if it has helped anyone else, but hopefully a little! 🙂

I honestly didn’t think I would keep writing or have so much to say! Or that people would actually read my blog! I am so thankful for the kind people I have met through blogging! You ladies are warriors! And…I’m a big dork, but all the comments & followers mean a lot to me. 🙂

Gosh, I was really hoping this would become a pregnancy blog long ago. I feel like I’m starting all over again, in a way. New RE, new meds, etc. I actually have renewed hope and think that maybe this will turn into a success story after all. I guess when I started this blog, my journey was not quite finished. Hopefully in January, the story will be complete with a happy ending.

Thanks bloggers (and those who read)!

13 thoughts on “100 posts!

  1. Congrats on your 101 posts!!! I am sure we much rather be posting about our pregnancies, but we'll get there, you will one day be posting baby pics & telling your birth story Lisa. Don't ever stop believing my friend. xoxoxoxox

  2. Congrats, I hope this does become a Pregnancy Blog in 2011!And I can't speak for others, but I like reading your blog . . .you do educate, but to me, it's nice to know people have the same thoughts/concerns. This is a tough journey and one that is unpredictable and lonely. Blogging does help that!

  3. 100 posts is an awesome accomplishment! You've definitely helped people along the way by letting us know we're not alone, and maybe educating some of us a bit too. Plus there's the added benefit of being able to say what you really feel and know others are listening without judgement. You're an awesome lady and I have a lot of hope for y'all this cycle. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get to turn this into a Pregnancy blog very soon. ❤

  4. Thanks for posting on my blog and I'm glad you like it! I feel like such a rambler most of the time. Congrats on 100 posts and also for having so many supportive followers; it sure does help when going through this journey, doesn't it?

  5. Thanks for blogging Lisa! When I first started this whole blogging thing, I didn't know to make of it, but when you started following it and letting me know someone else was out there going through all this with me, and I realized I'd found something special. You are going to be a mom, and a great one at that, I just know it!

  6. Well here's something you've done with your blog – I'm 27 (almost 28), 4 losses, DOR, and doing my first IVF cycle with what looks like the same protocol as your second one, only minus the Clomid.So, hello!

  7. I'm sorry about your losses. We found out that we are pregnant on Thanksgiving week but we lost it, so I know how you feel. It's really heartbreaking. I thought getting pregnant is easy just by BDing, I'm so wrong. It's more complicated. My parents said we have to pray harder and it will just come. Praying for you.. And congrats on your 100 posts! xoxo

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